Is it me or is it you?


Well there always comes a time in our life when we all are left wondering ‘what happened?’ Or ‘whose fault was it?’ Is’nt it? As I ponder upon this statement I realize that things could have been lesser complicated …
We are the ones who make it more complicated than it is .. Our ego is one big thing that will come in between .. Even though we realise that it was our fault .. ‘Sorry’ is not a word in our dictionary .. It is a forbidden word isn’t it ?
By just mentioning this word a crime would have been committed!!
No! Right?! So what is the fuss about??!
Be it an affair, an intimate relationship or even a friendship ..I think the best thing that one can remember is that life is short ..too short according to me to ponder on mistakes, hold grudges or to hold on to irrelevant facts ..
Remember this mantra : Be happy ,stay happy .
Charm yourself with what you can do about your life ! Become hardworking ! And stop pondering over the petty fact about who was the culprit. Cherish yourself , your partner  and your family because when life gives you lemons its time to have tequila shots ! xD
Till then adiós ❤

Being a foodie


Who doesn’t love food??
The different  cultures, backgrounds , states ,cities,  countries provide us with immense flavour ..
The cuisine is continuously ever changing from one place to the other !
The perfect blend of flavours and the feeling when you taste something heavenly is just euphoric .. You feel that it the one thing in life you love the most.
That emotional phase when you critisize your own can never forget …
Cooking is an art of marrying flavours together like a perfect match…

Being a foodie is loving food and not hogging it ! It is experiencing the flavours on your palate and exploring the divine flavours.

I am a vegan .

I am a foodie.

Are you a foodie too?

Note: in this article  I have tried to capture the emotions of a true foodie. Please comment and let me know if you are a true foodie and agree with me.



Why we get attracted to nightlife in a city ?


  • Love socialising
  • Love partyin
  • having alcohol because you like it
  • The glamour
  • The fun

Well these are are a few reasons which come to my mind while i psychoanalayse the cause of attraction to nightlife in a city .

A city is branded as glamourous if it has a ‘happening’ nightlife whereas  when it just has  it monuments and the countryside to  rely upon it is deemed as charming.

It is the glamour ,the lifestyle that we get sucked into when we visit a city.

While Cannes in australia has one of the most happening nightlife in the world where everybody comes out on the street on a friday night Europe is bustling through the day and at night the nightlife is shifted indoors . In A few parts of  Europe like London not only the day is happenining but nights are simply fantastic , full of glitz and glamour.

Thailand’s nightlife is something to be remembered for where each turn ,each street has a club … the nightlife is simply amazing when the city comes to life

Well what more can I say … I haven’t visited many places…. But the feeling of getting lost in the glamour studded world is just euphoric ..

As this year is coming to an end I hope that you all have an amazing new year with a certain someone to celebrate with . Till then adiós amigos …



P.S  I am deeply sorry to all my followers for not updating since ages ..

How to become a Twitter Maestro?

The first thing you’ll need if you want to use Twitter is to learn to say less. No, really. Twitter gives you 140 characters and that’s it. Then these next five steps will make you a Twitter maestro. Let’s get started.


1) Download the HootSuite Firefox plugin or TweetDeck application.

Maybe even both, because the truth is: the interface sucks, and you won’t be enjoying Twitter if you’re stuck in your browser window. Continue reading

To The Land Of Fujairah.



Planning a relaxing getaway in the U.A.E???
Well here’s a place I can suggest where you can not only relax in the peaceful environment along the beach side but also participate in the water sports. Sounds like the perfect place doesn’t it? Fujairah is small town situated near Dubai. It is about a 2-3 hour drive from Dubai. It showcases few of the best resorts  along the beach side of Miramar. Among the few of the most luxurious 5 star Resort :
1) Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort.

Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort .

Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort .

Continue reading

The Review: 5O Shades Of Grey.

Joint review time! Resham and are going to post joint reviews from time to time. This one is about a film that everyone has been talking about. 


So, everyone is talking about this movie. Some hate it whereas on the other hand some people absolutely love it. Whereas, the film itself has only got one star 1/5 on Rotten Tomatoes and has low ratings on other sites too. As for us, we did not like the movie at all. Don’t get me wrong, We’ve read the trilogy and we kind of liked it. It wasn’t a book that I would want to read again, but it was an okay one time read. Now let’s talk about the movie. Continue reading

Things You Should Never Eat.

It really is a shame. Some of the best-tasting foods are actually some of the worst in terms of fat and calories. I mean who doesn’t like fried potatoes? But researchers have found out that “Low-fat” foods are actually your enemy. Yes, you heard that right, some foods which swear to be low fat, actually contain a lot of starch and are unhealthy. So here are 3 things that you should never eat when you’re trying to lose weight. Continue reading

Colour Of 2O15 : Marsala


Hey guys! I’m back with a new post for you all! Ever heard of the colour Marsala? If you haven’t then Why? And where on the Earth have you been living? Under a rock, I suppose. Well, but don’t you worry, cause I’ve got you covered! Everyone whose anyone is wearing this amazing earthy red/ red wine-ish colour! From the ethereal Blake Lively to the amazing Taylor Swift everyone in the Fashion World is obsessing over this colour!   Continue reading

Travel Mantra.


Travelling somewhere? I travel throughout the year so I’m pretty used to stuffing my life into a suitcase on a regular basis. I know a lot of you are getting away this summer so I figured I’d share some useful tips about things I like to bring with me when I’m away on a holiday!
Well here are a few tips which might prove helpful to you!

1) Make a list

-list out all the basic items to be packed.
Recheck, in case you missed something after packing. This will help you to remain organised. Continue reading

Hello there!

Hey guys!

My name is Resham and I’ve started this blog along with my bestie Aditi.

We’re new at this, so please bear with us! This blog is about everything really, but mostly we’re gonna review books, films, places and all the stuff for you. So, let me first tell you all something about myself. I’m 17 years old and I love to travel, so watch out for my travel diaries!

Hey there pretty people!

My name is Aditi and I too will tell you about my opinions here, on this blog. I’m a big foodie so be ready to see A LOT of food related articles and restaurant reviews! I’m gonna also going to keep you updated on music. Guys, please comment down below and tell us about the films and books you want us to review.

So be ready to hear us rant about hundreds of thousands of things.

-xoxo R&A